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以為看錯 體育老師驚見雙頭海豚屍體

土耳其39歲體育老師梅廷(Tugrul Metin)近日在伊茲密爾(Izmir)海灘上,發現一隻1歲的「雙頭海豚」(two-headed dolphin)屍體,長約3.2英尺(近1公尺)。梅廷表示,一開始還以為自己看錯,因為從來沒聽過雙頭海豚。(圖/Yahoo7 News)驚嚇過後,他立刻報警。警方也到場將海豚屍體帶回研究室做更進一步的調查,而這隻雙頭海豚共用一個身體,一條尾巴,其中一個的眼睛及氣孔無法正常打開。因為連體海豚相當罕見,多數網友猜測這很可能是輻射或汙染所造成。天下新鮮事 盡在FUN影音 Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 10 / 10 ¨** MANDATORY BYLINE ** - PIC BY MICHEL WATSON / ARDEA / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The pink dolphin) - These are the incredible images of an extremely rare PINK dolphin making a splash in Brazil. The ... 較多¨** MANDATORY BYLINE ** - PIC BY MICHEL WATSON / ARDEA / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The pink dolphin) - These are the incredible images of an extremely rare PINK dolphin making a splash in Brazil. The pretty in pink creature, which usually hides deep in the Rio Negro river, was spotted leaping out of the Amazonian water brandishing its bizarre bright bubblegum colour. Weighing in at whopping 21 stone the curious creature, known as an Amazon Pink River Dolphin, looked unusually agile as it rose above the waves to greet stunned tourist, Michel Watson. And the mesmerising mammal seemed to be more than happy to pose for pictures as a shocked Michel snapped away. SEE CATERS COPY. 較少 1 / 10 Caters News | 拍攝者 MICHEL WATSON / ARDEA / CATERS NEWS 2013年6月26日週三 台北標準時間上午1時00分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

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